Thursday, November 8, 2012

I Know...

I know it's been a while since I posted anything on here, but I haven't forgotten. I'm still here but I've been a little busy with two retail jobs and some freelance stuff on the side (Assassin Creed 3 hasn't helped either). Still no excuse though. I hope to have some new art posted on here soon. So keep day dreaming everyone and I'll be back soon.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

IGN Dungeon Fighter Review

This is not an official review by the IGN team. It is just one man's attempted to show off his skills to possible get the chance to work for IGN. I actually used an older video review from them, and edited the heck out of it. I masked the transition frames, wrote the review, recorded the voice, and a bunch of other boring stuff. I know the voice work is pretty bad, but there is only so much you can do with a generation 1 Rock Band microphone.

***All of the logos and transitions are the property IGN. Just in case you missed it, this is not a real review.***

Monday, July 16, 2012


I've been excited about showing this guy off for quite a while now. Sawau is one of the four guides I have for an upcoming story. There are three different heads here that he will be sporting throughout the story. His name actually comes from a tribe from the Fuji Islands. The Sawau tribe is know to walk one hot coals without getting burned. Since Sawau is the fire guide I thought it to be an appropriate name for him.

Sol Scout 1

The Sol Scout is from an idea that I had a long time ago (I think early high school). What if the eight other plants in our solar system are still inhabited by alien races? Each with their own culture, appearance, technology, and so on. What if these plants decided to declare war? That's where our Sol Scout comes in. Since we still haven't made that many big jumps in space technology, the suits still has the look and feel of a twentieth century space suit. There is the addition of a clip on front cloth plate similar to Kevlar, and the addition of OX, Oxygen Ten. OX is a liquid based oxygen for longer stays in hostile environments. It is extremely compact so that the Sol Scouts can also use it fire their weapons in space. As opposed to a gun powder round which take up way to much room. Originally done with blue pencil then change in Photoshop so that it can be viewed easier on here. A very rough idea to go with the rough drawing.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Matte Paintings

It's been a while since I posted anything so I'll try and get back into the groove I had when I first started.  Up next are a few matte paintings.

This one is of Tiphares, the floating city above the junkyard in Battle Angel.

The next one is the castle above the clouds from none other then gargoyles. I wonder since Disney know owns Marvel if we are going to see this next Stark Tower, or see Goliath fight against a Spider Slayer.

Last one was for a class project. Mechanical spiders attacking New York City.

That's it for now, but there's more artwork to come soon.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

3-D Environments Study

I created these because I wanted to make a 3-D environment without creating to many poly faces. I was trying to make it detailed, but I wanted to use the textures more then trying to model them. Everything was done in either Photoshop or Maya.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

60's Robotic action hero (clean)

So here he is, all cleaned up in his 1960's skin tight white out fit. I added a few details that weren't on the original drawing too. Like the gleam coming of the visor, the texture on the blue, and the scratches on the gloves. He had a whiter color in the first draft too, but after tweaking some things in Photoshop; I got the blueish white plastic color which I think stands out and fits the character more. Also I decided to add the plasma coming off the chopping arming to highlight the action. I've named my working files Six; so that's the name he's ending up with. Who knows, maybe there are five more of these guys/gals.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ink Animatic

The images above are from an animatic that I did when I was a student. I drew everything by hand then cleaned it up with Illustrator, which seems to be the norm for me. Hey, at least I have a good theme going. I am personally a big fan of the second shot in this trio, where the ink really starts to morph into a humanoid creature. The full clip can be viewed on YouTube or you can click right here if you would like to check it out.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Panter Mascot

Lets continue the trend of the day of martial arts. Once again this was for a school that wanted to create a new class for 3 to 5 year olds called the Preschool Panthers. I went to the school a little later and I saw that the character was printed on shirts and that the classes where doing really well. The head instructor/owner said that he was in talks to publish the classes in Century Magazine (a martial arts supply magazine). So this may be the next mascot you see at you local dojo.

Animal silhouettes

I was asked to to a series of animals that represented the different fighting styles of a martial school. I was given creative freedom, which can be a double edged sword sometimes. I mean just look at the spots on the leopard. I didn't want to have it too distracting since the designs were meant to go on a wall. The characters are Chinese, which is where the school's style originates from.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

60's Japanese robotic action hero (rough)

Time for a quick sketch I did of a 60's Japanese robotic action hero. This is my initial sketch to flesh out my idea. I was trying to mix a little Ultron, Speed Racer, giant mech into one package. I'll post a more finished version of him later on.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Namor the Submariner

This is an older drawing that I did of  Namor the Submariner. I have seen a lot of different designs of the Avengers, but I hardly every saw one for good ol' Namor. So this was my design for him. A sleek look that would be easy to animate yet still stand out against other well known characters like Captain America and Iron Man.

A gift for a friend

This was a birthday gift for a friend. She (yes she) was a big fan of Poison Ivy. I tried to figure out a way to show off the link between woman and nature. Why not have her blooming from a flower? Everything was done by hand, and their are little nods to who it was for like the vine on the arm. I really liked the picture so I figured I'd share it with you as well.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Aces' Die

This is a game I made up one night when I was hanging out with some friends. We had a pair of dice just sitting there and I thought they were going to waste. So a few minutes later I came up with Aces' Die. I later decided I should write down the instructions so that other people can play it with their friends. The pin-up girl and logo...they were just for my own amusement and to catch your eye. 

About the title / why I'm on here

Hello everyone. If the title caught your eye and you decided to read a little further, I appreciate it. I have seen many great artist just give up; they quit what they loved, came up with excuse why they didn't what to continue. Cooking, painting, macaroni sculptures, whatever it is. I am apparently to stupid or stubborn to figure out the benefits of quitting because I always keep coming back to the same thing. This is going to be a blog of me trying to make it as a concept artist, more or less. So I figured I'd make a place to display my artwork and ideas. Try to get that dream job, and maybe help and support someone who feels the same way I do. We need more people in this world telling us that we can do what we dream of doing. That's why I came up with imagination is what you make of it. It can be a war in a swamp fighting against giant seven armed aliens, or it can be nothing at all. To all those people in the swamp with me; I look forward to fighting with you for a very long time, and to those without and epic space battle. I hope you find your way back soon.